Suction Anchors

Offshore Wind Design AS can deliver standard suction anchor foundations to offshore wind projects for the floating offshore wind industry. These can also be used as mooring and anchoring of wave energy converters and floating solar systems.
Using the experience and engineering skills from the subsea oil and gas industry, we and our partners can provide engineering, design and calculation support only or a complete EPC delivery for the suction anchor, caissons or pile foundations.
We have also develped our own deep water suction anchor suitable for TLP FOWT with high vertical tension loads.
Our goal in providing the offshore wind products is to innovate, develop and significantly reduce cost on behalf of our clients but also in a safe and reliable manner.
Proprietary Cost Reduction Technology
Offshore Wind Design and our partners apply more than 25 years of subsea engineering, design and underwater experience and combine it with our in-depth understanding of the requirement for cost reduction and innovation in the new offshore wind and renewable industry such as wind power and floating solar. We assist in the anchor selection process and have shared mooring solutions for taut, semi-taut and tension leg (TLP) floating wind concepts.
The offshore wind foundations, anchors and mooring are a substantial cost element of the offshore wind farm CAPEX. Due to often complex and uncertain soil conditions and conservative geotechnical design parameters, the suction assisted foundations, such as suction anchors, suction piles, caissons and suction buckets are normally overdesigned. Offshore Wind Design AS has invented solutions and methods that can safely reduce the dimensions, weight and required suction and hence significantly reduce cost for offshore wind farms. Artifical reefs and scour protection would be included in the design.
Suction Anchor Foundations for Offshore Wind
Suction anchor foundations are used for mooring of floating offshore wind turbines in deep and ultra deep water. For shallow water depths SPAR and Semi-submersible floating concepts, 3 off shared catenary mooring lines per floater are most often used. The static and dynamic loads are transferred inclined through the mooring line into the embedded suction anchor padeye. For Tension Leg Platform (TLP), taut and semi-taut floating concepts, the loads are transferred more vertically into the suction anchor caisson, parts of it as long term sustained loads.

Engineering, Analysis and Design of Suction Anchor Foundations
To reduce cost, in-depth knowledge of how to design, engineer and analyse suction anchors are required. Together with our geotechnical technology partners and our in-house expertice, Offshore Wind Design AS can perform all required installation, retrieval and removal analysis and in-place resistance and response calculations according to the appropriate offshore wind codes and standards. We also evaluate the hazards, uncertainties and perform risk minimization assessment for suction or gravity assisted foundations, anchors, piles and caissons for both shallow and deepwater applications.