Offshore Wind Products

Offshore Wind Design AS can deliver standardized optimized large scale foundation, anchoring and mooring products for both the bottom fixed and the floating offshore wind industry.
Using the experience from the innovative and technology driven subsea oil and gas industry, we and our complementary partners can design and deliver the following offshore wind foundation, anchoring and mooring products at a low cost.
Subsea Offshore Wind Products
We and our partners apply more than 25 years of subsea engineering, design and underwater experience and combine it with our in-depth understanding of the requirement for cost optimization and innovation in the new offshore wind and renewable industry. Our goal and motivation in providing the offshore wind products is to innovate, develop and significantly reduce cost on behalf of our clients but also in a safe and reliable manner. Our new and innovative mooring solutions are suitable for any water depth, but significantly reduce cost in deep and ultra deep water and where the morring loads are high such as for TLP types of floating offshore wind floaters. The solutiuons can also be used for wave energy converters and floating solar panels.
Proprietary Cost Reduction Technology
The offshore wind foundations, anchors and mooring are a substantial cost element of the offshore wind farm CAPEX. Due to complex and uncertain soil conditions and conservative geotechnical design parameters, the suction assisted foundations, such as suction anchors and suction buckets are normally overdesign.
Offshore Wind Design AS has invented solutions that can safely reduced the dimensions and required suction and hence significantly reduce cost for offshore wind farms. The offshore wind technology can also be utilized for impact driving and vibration driving assisted structures as well.

Gravity Anchor Products
Gravity Anchors are used as mooring foundation for floating offshore wind turbines in shallow waters and in soil conditions where the suction anchors are not suitable due to soil penetration limitation. The solutions can also be used for wave power and floating solar. The mooring lines transfer the loads from the turbine, wind, waves and current into the gravity foundations. Offshore Wind Design are developing highly optimised gravity anchor products through our TLP Gravity Anchor and SEMI Gravity Anchor series.
Offshore Wind Suction Anchor Foundation Products
Suction anchor foundations are used for mooring of floating offshore wind turbines in deep to ultra deep waters and where the soil conditins are suitable. For shallow water SPAR and Semi-submersible floating concepts, 3 off catenary mooring lines per floater are most often used. The anchor foundations have a higher length to diameter ration than suction buckets. The optimized suction anchor products can be delivered as engineering and design only or as a full EPC work package.
Suction Bucket Foundation Products
Suction bucket foundations are mostly used as foundation for offshore wind jackets but can also be used as foundations for monopiles in shallow waters. The buckets are considered shallow foundations with a low length to diameter ration. The optimized suction bucket products can also be delivered as engineering and design only or as a full EPC work package.
Clump Weight Products
Clump weights are used as mooring for floating structures and cables in shallow waters. Our Multi-Purpose Clump Weights series CW MULTI have a modular design to minimize installation weights. The ballast units are low cost made of high-density concrete increase submerged weight. The clump weights have padeyes for connection of mooring lines at the top and near the seabed to take any load angle and to maximize seabed stability. These units are particular suited for arrays of floating solar panels and wave power converters.